Beauty in the “broken” areas of our life

Recently, I had the opportunity to give a reflection at the start of the Rotary Club of Toledo meeting. I chose to talk about kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing objects with gold or other precious metals. The concept of mending a broken object with gold first resonated with me as I was grieving the death of my husband Steve. I was enamored by its symbolism of tragedy and moving forward in life.

Below is an excerpt of the reflection I shared with the men and women of the Rotary Club of Toledo:

The beauty and philosophy behind kintsugi impart powerful life lessons.

At its core, kintsugi celebrates imperfection. In a world often driven by ideals of flawlessness, this art form reminds us that brokenness is an integral part of the human experience. It's a reflection of how we, too, can endure challenges, setbacks, and hardships, and emerge stronger and more beautiful for having faced them. The use of gold to mend the cracks highlights the idea that our scars, both physical and emotional, can be transformed into something precious.

We often strive to conceal our vulnerabilities, fearing judgment or rejection. Kintsugi, however, encourages us to embrace our vulnerabilities and show up as our authentic selves. The repaired pottery becomes even more captivating than before, each fracture telling a story of resilience and transformation. This notion encourages us to be honest about our struggles and open to the healing process, acknowledging that our personal growth comes from confronting and transcending adversity.

Kintsugi also serves as a metaphor for relationships. Just as pottery can be shattered, so can connections between people. Yet, the process of repairing these bonds can lead to something even stronger and more meaningful. By recognizing that relationships can withstand conflict and the test of time, we gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty that emerges when we work to mend what's been broken.

In a fast-paced world where instant gratification often takes precedence, kintsugi offers a counterpoint by reminding us of the value of patience and deliberate care. The meticulous process of repairing pottery in this way requires time, precision, and a steady hand. Similarly, the healing and growth we seek in ourselves, and our relationships cannot be rushed. True transformation takes time, dedication, and a willingness to invest ourselves fully.

As I’ve worked through the many fractures that have shaped me – the loss of my husband, raising young children on my own for several years, job changes, and a battle with cancer – I often pictured those experiences as cracks. As I worked to heal, the cracks have been repaired with gold. It’s important to remember that you can turn even the most broken aspects into something uniquely beautiful.


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